Monday, 29 June 2015

"Housing For All"- A Critical Scheme Is Launched

There are other issues too that need to be ironed out. In the past, lack of coordination between the Centre and the States has hindered the progress of such welfare schemes. While housing for all is a national agenda, land is a State issue and needs proper coordination between the Centre and the States.

Here is an insight on the matter by Mr. Mohit Goel CEO Omaxe -

“The launch of three urban rejuvenation schemes (Smart Cities, Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation (AMRUT) and Housing for All by the Prime Minister today, entailing an investment of approx. Rs 4 lakh crore, will go a long way in providing homes to urban poor, job opportunities, better landscape, upgraded lifestyle, liveable cities and more importantly a fillip to the economy. Also, development of 100 smart cities and push for urban infrastructure upgrade for 500 cities through PPP model will breathe new life in our cities and throw up a lot of opportunities for the real estate which is going through rough patch over the past two years. The ground up approach towards giving a direction to how our cities grow is definitely praiseworthy considering the unorganised and haphazard development that has been happening in our cities. However, the main challenge for state governments and urban local bodies is to get things going by making effective use of huge investments, new technology and innovative methods in rejuvenating our cities. Omaxe’s presence in 8 States across 27 cities gives us the benefit in the huge opportunity that unfolds with these three urban schemes taking firm shape; and we are geared up for this challenge.”